Monday, July 30, 2007

Week 31: Castle: Castle 2015

as shares plummeted,
castle 3A was ready
for consumption

(trees, buildings and the dr found on google)

Friday, July 27, 2007

Week 30: Snow: Robin Williams said about snow

'Cocaine is God's way of saying you're making too much money.'

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Week 30: Snow: Three Pictures


White everywhere. My roof is white, my walls are white, my floor is white. It's all so bright I see colours, blue sparkling, green twinkling, violet flashing. They move with my pupils, run along the white of my eye. I need to entertain myself not to be struck by panic. Listening to the beep in my ears form a melody, see the colorful stripes on the snow. I went skiing and was left under an avalanche.


I press my nose against the cold windowpanes. Outside, big fluffy snowflakes paint the road all white, landing lightly on the carriage and its hunchback driver. My breath leaves a stain on the glass and looking through it the street is blurry, covered in a soft quilt of white. I am Oliver and my tea awaits me.


Far away, over distant, vast areas of nothingness, we found a frozen globe. The plains lay under white coats of snow, the lakes were icy, stainless and untouched. The planet must have drifted away from warmer regions, originally not far from our home, and been lost in this territory of merciless cold. We can't survive here, we have to send some pioneer robots when spring arrives.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Week 30: Snow: snower

montage on a web search for 'informer'

Week 30: Snow: Angry Snowman


Monday, July 23, 2007

Week 30: Snow: Snow and the City

drawn by me

Week 30: Snow: Malos Aires

heinäkuu, Buenos Airesissa on talvi
viikko sitten satoi lunta
ensi kertaa kahdeksaankymmeneenviiteen vuoteen
Euroopan mummot kuolevat lämpöhalvaukseen
Argentiinassa vanhukset paleltuvat
tai säikähtävät kuoliaiksi

nuori Jorge Luis Borges istuu madridilaisessa kahvilassa
hän aukaisee sanomalehden ja lukee
että hänen kotikaupungissaan sataa lunta
hän tilaa toisen kupin teetä
kaivaa esiin lehtiönsä
ja kirjoittaa humoristisen runon nimeltä
”Malos Aires”

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Week 29: Mangrove: Wongrove

original image from Wikipedia

Week 29: Mangrove: The Forest

Damp swamp. The words must have been born together, as a pair. These trees won't drown. I've been wandering for days, climbing on dented roots, my shoes wet and slippery. I don't dare to think about my toes, bruised and cold, and with brown, sweaty fingers I grab the trees, the heat beats my forehead and my hair sticks to my neck. The forest doesn't seem to end, as if I've been born here, like I've never seen anything else than these high trunks over winding roots stuck in knee-high water.
Then suddenly the air gets fresh, like lighter to breathe, the rotten smell vanishes and small waves bob up and down against the bark. I realize I've reached the bay, the water is turquoise and small, colorful fish seem to float over intricately towering coral reeves. I sit down on the last roots, in the sunshine, pull off my shoes and let my bare, suffering feet drop into the warm, salty water. The dirt is gently washed away and I know I'll always stay here.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Week 29: Mangrove - Breaking News

Tools: Bob Ross
Rest: Imaginative

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Week 29: Mangrove: Acanthaceae, Avicenniaceae or Verbenaceae

Acanthaceae, Avicenniaceae or Verbenaceae,
Arecaceae or Combretaceae?
I thought my mangrove was a Rhizophora,
but it could also belong to the Lytheraceae

But is it then a Sonneratia acida,
or rather a Sonneratia alba,
Sonneratia ovalis or ovata,
Sonneratia neglecta or rubra?

Come forth, o Name, out of thy shell of Appearance!

Bombacaceae, Cyperaceae, Meliaceae,
Pteridaceae, Rubiaceae, Myrsinaceae...
Who am I to know the intricacies of mangroves,
I am, after all, just a homo sapiens!

Week 29: Mangrove: Go Cruising ... Now!

Images were found through the website

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007

Week 28: Pizza

The picture is tattooed in my armpit

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Week 28: Pizza: * * * * * *

felt marker applied on paper

Week 28: Pizza: On my pizza, I found...

Monday: Cheese and bacon.

Tuesday: Ham, cheese and peperoni. The walls were yellow and sunny.

Wednesday: Tomato and cheese. Old, empty balloons hanging from the ceiling. Young workers staring at me from the other table.

Thursday: Pineapple, ham and cheese. Coca cola fills my glass. Others drink beer. The combination is thick and smelly.

Friday: Shrimps, mushrooms and cheese. I'm with my friend. Salad with cheese. I feel guilty. The fat sticks around my lips.

Saturday: Cheese, tomato, cheese. On a big street. Normal place. Usual, impersonal. I've found the same in Paris.

Sunday: Ham, olives, extragarlic, cheese. The base is sticky. Stuck to the plate. My pizza is moist. I'm disappointed. But I don't complain.

Monday, July 9, 2007