Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Week 28: Pizza: On my pizza, I found...

Monday: Cheese and bacon.

Tuesday: Ham, cheese and peperoni. The walls were yellow and sunny.

Wednesday: Tomato and cheese. Old, empty balloons hanging from the ceiling. Young workers staring at me from the other table.

Thursday: Pineapple, ham and cheese. Coca cola fills my glass. Others drink beer. The combination is thick and smelly.

Friday: Shrimps, mushrooms and cheese. I'm with my friend. Salad with cheese. I feel guilty. The fat sticks around my lips.

Saturday: Cheese, tomato, cheese. On a big street. Normal place. Usual, impersonal. I've found the same in Paris.

Sunday: Ham, olives, extragarlic, cheese. The base is sticky. Stuck to the plate. My pizza is moist. I'm disappointed. But I don't complain.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I am starting too feel a bit, well, a bit pizza...